Thursday, 2 April 2009

Evaluation day on the Easter Course!

Here is the list of the words issued by OCR for the previous syllabus specification.

Directive Word

What it means


Calculate Work out using the information provided
Define Give the exact meaning
Describe Give a description of
Give (an account of) As `describe’
Give (an example of) Give a particular example
How (explain how) In what way or in what ways
Identify Point out
Illustrate Give examples/diagram
Outline Describe without detail
State Make clear
Summarise Give main points, without detail
Which Give a clear example/state what

AO2 + AO3

Analyse Set out the main points
Apply Use in a specific way
Compare Give similarities and differences
Consider Give your thoughts about
Explain (why) Give clear reasons or make clear
Justify/account for Give reasons for


Assess Show how important something is
Comment upon Give your reasoned opinions on
Criticise Give an opinion, but support it with evidence
Discuss Give the importance arguments, for and against
Evaluate Discuss the importance of, making some attempt to weight your opinions
To what extent Make a judgement

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